Γράφτηκε από τον adminΤο Ν.Π.Δ.Δ. με την επωνυμία ΚΕΝΤΡΟΝ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΕΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ ΤΥΦΛΩΝ, χάριν συντομίας ΚΕΑΤ, που εδρεύει επί της λεωφόρου Ελ. Βενιζέλου (πρώην Θησέως) 210 και Σπάρτης, στην Καλλιθέα Αττικής, καταρτίζει Μητρώο Καλλιτεχνών Ωφελουμένων ατόμων με οπτική αναπηρία και
τους Ωφελουμένους Καλλιτέχνες άτομα με οπτική αναπηρία (μερική ή ολική απώλεια όρασης) να εγγραφούν σε αυτό.
Στο Μητρώο έχουν δικαίωμα να εγγραφούν όσοι Ωφελούμενοι δραστηριοποιούνται σε κάποιο Καλλιτεχνικό Τομέα, ως δημιουργοί ή επαγγελματίες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:
o μαθητές Μουσικών Σχολείων, Μουσικών Σχολών και Ωδείων
o μέλη Θεατρικών Εργαστηρίων
o μέλη Εικαστικών Εργαστηρίων (ζωγραφική, γλυπτική, αγιογραφία, φωτογραφία)
o μουσικοί (σύνθεση, εκτέλεση)
o μουσικοί παραγωγοί
o τραγουδιστές
Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι θα μπορούν να εγγράφονται με κατάθεση των απαραίτητων αποδεικτικών στοιχείων (αντίγραφο πτυχίου ή έναρξη επαγγέλματος ή παραστατικά πληρωμής ή βεβαίωση φοίτησης σε μουσικό σχολείο/καλλιτεχνικό εργαστήριο ή βεβαίωση συμμετοχής) και Υπεύθυνης Δήλωσης Ν.1599/1986, στην οποία θα αναγράφεται η ερασιτεχνική ή επαγγελματική καλλιτεχνική δραστηριότητα, και η οποία θα αποστέλλεται σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή (αρχείο PDF) στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: dimitra_zouma@yahoo.com
Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι έχουν δυνατότητα εγγραφής καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του έτους και δυνατότητα επικαιροποίησης/προσθήκης Καλλιτεχνικών Τομέων με την υποβολή Υπεύθυνης Δήλωσης Ν.1599/1986.
Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που δραστηριοποιούνται σε περισσότερους του ενός Καλλιτεχνικούς Τομείς εντάσσονται σύμφωνα με την Υπεύθυνη Δήλωση που καταθέτουν.
Τα στοιχεία των εγγραφόμενων στο Μητρώο Καλλιτεχνών Ωφελουμένων προορίζονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο για εσωτερική χρήση και αξιοποίηση από το Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης και Αποκατάστασης Τυφλών σύμφωνα και με τον νόμο 4624/2019, περί της Προστασίας των Προσωπικών Δεδομένων.
Πληροφορίες κ. Δήμητρα Ζούμα
Γραφείο Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής ΚΕΑΤ
Τηλ.: 2310 830095 (εσωτ.: 121)
E-mail: dimitra_zouma@yahoo.com
Τελευταία άρθρα από τον/την admin
- Ευρωπαϊκή Κάρτα Νέων
37687 σχόλια
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 05:16 δημοσιεύθηκε από sildenafil citrate over the counter
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 04:31 δημοσιεύθηκε από Danielitags
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
https://anotepad.com/notes/qkjm3j6n -
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 04:31 δημοσιεύθηκε από Danielitags
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
https://imageevent.com/tonik1998 -
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 04:31 δημοσιεύθηκε από Danielitags
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
https://kadachi1990.diary.ru/ -
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 03:55 δημοσιεύθηκε από sildenafil en ligne
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 02:15 δημοσιεύθηκε από Danielitags
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
https://okwave.jp/profile/u3128715.html -
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 02:15 δημοσιεύθηκε από Danielitags
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
https://www.haikudeck.com/presentations/Ir4fzqGZ27 -
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 01:48 δημοσιεύθηκε από levitra vs sildenafil
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 01:16 δημοσιεύθηκε από DavidSpede
visit their website brd wallet
Σύνδεσμος σχολίου
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου 2025 01:07 δημοσιεύθηκε από BrianUnwic
Homepage MultiBit wallet
Προσθήκη σχολίου
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